191011 Update Hong Kong Dividend Growth stocks

191011 Update Hong Kong Dividend Growth stocks
2 mins read

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In this update:

  • Dividend announcements of the past weeks
  • Readers question: Which one would you choose?
  • News about The Dogs of the Hang Seng. What is the market (HSI) doing and how are our Dividend Growth Stocks (DGS) and the 10 DGS with the highest dividend (DG-Dogs) reacting.
  • A friendly request
  • Updated (191011) the 25 highest yield dividend growth stock on the Hong Kong index
  • For Premium Members: updated list (191011) of Companies and their metrics that keep on raising their dividends.
  • Join Premium Membership today and see all companies that keep on paying you. 

Let’s go

Dividend announcements of the past weeks
It was once and again a day where 2 banks announced their results and dividends:

HSBC (0005.HK) US$ 0.10 0% interim
Hang Seng Bank (0011.HK) HK$ 0.41 +7.6% interim

Both banks have a quarterly dividend payment. Mayor difference is the high yield of HSBC ( close to 7% vs the 4.6% of Hang Seng Bank)
That said, Hang Seng wins on 5 year average dividend growth a whooping 6.4% vs. 0.8% average 5 year dividend growth at HSBC.

Readers question: which one would you choose and why?


News about The Dogs
In this posts we companre Blue Chip, Dogs of Hang Seng, Dividend Growth stocks and the 10 highest yield Dividend growth stocks staring June 30 2019.
Goal is to see where which one is beating the HSI as to market value.

If you think about buying your favorite stock, compared to June 30 the HSI is down close to 10% , Blue chip, and the dividend growth stocks are also in that range of decline.to see the chart click here

DateHSIBlue chipsDogsDGSDG-Dogs

 A friendly request
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