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Stock picking made so easy.
This is an explainer about The Directory of all Hong Kong dividend growth stocks. Some basics first This Directory : has been vetted for 7 years and will be for the years to come will be updated weekly And is accessible for all Champion members. A plain list of data can be overwhelming and confusing. […]
4-What is Hong Kong Dividend Stock Screener?
What is the Hong Kong Dividend Stock Screener, what does it do? All stocks in The Directory have 1 thing in common, all have not lowered their dividends for 5 years or more. If you want to find investments that can generate income and therefor are presumed to have less volatility in your clients’ portfolio, […]
What makes a good blue chip stock stand out?
Blue chip stocks are popular among investors because they offer stable returns over a long period of time. To determine if a company is a good blue chip stock, investors look for specific characteristics that signal financial strength, stability, and long-term growth potential.In this post we look at what makes a good blue chip stock […]
230617 Newsletter
We follow the dividend growth stocks and the Blue Chips of Hong Kong. The goal of this email is to save you a significant amount of time in your research to find the right stocks that are eligible for your cash flow generating portfolio. Reading time of this email: 3 minutes. You will come out wiser, […]
230601 Newsletter
We follow the dividend growth stocks and the Blue Chips of Hong Kong. The goal of this email is to save you a significant amount of time in your research to find the right stocks that are eligible for your cash flow generating portfolio. Want to know more about the Champion membership? Get full access […]
2304124 Newsletter
We follow the dividend growth stocks and the Blue Chips of Hong Kong. The goal of this email is to save you a significant amount of time in your research to find the right stocks that are eligible for your cash flow generating portfolio. Reading time of this email: 3 minutes. You will come out wiser, […]
230416 Newsletter
We follow the dividend growth stocks and the Blue Chips of Hong Kong. The goal of this email is to save you a significant amount of time in your research to find the right stocks that are eligible for your cash flow generating portfolio. Reading time of this email: 3 minutes. You will come out wiser, […]
The facts on Chinese zodiac and the Hang Seng Index
Let’s take a look at the results of the Hang Seng Index and if the relate to a certain Sign in the Chinese zodiac. Maybe there is a particular animal that brings more prosperity. Every zodiac returns in 12 years. In case of the Rabbit, the years 2011, 1999, and 1987 were Rabbit years. Below […]
230109 Newsletter
Wishing you a wonderful 2023. May you get everything you need this year. Today we look at the results of last year. Reading time of this email: 3 minutes. You will come out wiser. Why this email? you receive this email because you showed interest in building an income portfolio with stocks listed in Hong Kong […]
How the 2022 Dogs of the Hang Seng performed
In the previous post the 2023 Dogs of the Hang Seng were introduced. These are the ten Blue Chip companies that hold the highest yield over their last financial year on January 1, 2023 Now let’s take a look how the 2022 Dogs of the Hang Seng performed. (This ‘Dogs’ phenomenon is inspired by the […]