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Top 5 Blue Chip companies that yield +8%
What do you see? Out of all HK blue Chip companies, the top 5 that yield 8% or more. Investing in Blue Chip stocks can be a good strategy in which rising value of the stock of choice is the main factor of adding it to your portfolio. Think about CocaCola, Starbucks, Apple. Those […]
220612 Update Hong Kong Dividend Growth Stocks
Note: this is the newsletter as send to everybody who signed up (free). If you haven’t done that yet and would like to get the newsletter to its full extend and all the free files (25-highest yield, Blue Chip Value, updates on the Dogs of the Hang Seng) it is highly recommended to fill in […]
220531 Update Hong Kong Dividend Growth Stocks
Exciting dividend newsletter ahead! What is this mail about; We look at the data of only Hong Kong Blue Chip companies and all the Hong Kong Dividend Growth Companies. What are Dividend Growth Stocks?? They are HK listed companies that have 5 years or more of dividend increases 5 yr dividend growth rate of 0.001 […]
April update Dogs of the Hang Seng 2022
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220417 Update Hong Kong Dividend Growth Stocks
Happy Easter. What is this mail about; We look at the data of only Hong Kong Blue Chip companies and all the Hong Kong Dividend Growth Companies. What are Dividend Growth Stocks?? They are HK listed companies that have 5 years or more of dividend increases 5 yr dividend growth rate of 0.001 or higher. […]
Recent Dividend Cuts 2022
What is the worst thing that can happen when you are a Dividend Growth Investor (DGI)? What really hurts is, hoping you get a pay raise but instead your passive income gets shortened. The stock you are holding is not getting you the dividends you had envisioned. A recent dividend cut that made headlines was […]
220320 Update Hong Kong Dividend Growth Stocks
What is this mail about; We look at the data of only Hong Kong Blue Chip companies and all the Hong Kong Dividend Growth Companies. What are Dividend Growth Stocks?? They are HK listed companies that have 5 years or more of dividend increases 5 yr dividend growth rate of 0.001 or higher. Based on […]
220130 Update Hong Kong Dividend Growth Stocks
If you are celebrating Chinese New Year this weekend, of coming week. I wish you a wonderful year of the Tiger. May good fortune, excellent health and awesome joy find their way to your life! What is this mail about; We look at the data of Blue Chip companies and all the Hong Kong listed […]
220123 Update Hong Kong Dividend Growth Stocks
Hello, How was your week? Re: We look at all Hong Kong Dividend Growth stocks and Blue Chips. Dividend stocks should have: 5 years or more of dividend increases. Stocks that give you a raise! 5 yr dividend growth rate of 0.001 or higher. Reading time of this email: 2 minutes. – Talking about the […]
220116 Update Hong Kong Dividend Growth Stocks
How was your week? We look at all Hong Kong Dividend Growth stocks and Blue Chips. Dividend stocks should have: 5 years or more of dividend increases. Stocks that give you a raise! 5 yr dividend growth rate of 0.001 or higher. Reading time of this email: 2 minutes. – This Blue Chip Company might […]