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The curated list of vetted companies with a proven track record of 5 years or more of increasing dividends.
Stock Screener: 3 Pillars for the screener GROWTH, RISK and VALUE
- Basic information and dividend forecast (Dark Blue)
- All Metrics for indicating Growth of Dividends (Blue)
- All Metrics for indicating Risk of dividend cuts (Green)
- All metrics for indicating Value (orange)
- PLUS: Metrics to look into the Liabilities (Red)
- Ex-Dividend Date and Dividend payments
Presented in an easy-to-filter and compatible to your systems .xls file.
- Safe hours of your time researching companies.
- Stay ahead with exclusive ex-dividend data also for Hong Kong blue chip stocks.
- Get deeper insights on stock metrics that matter—growth, value, and risk.
- Access our premium stock screener to discover companies with solid, reliable dividends.
The best part? You choose what works for you:
Monthly plan – Test the waters with flexibility!
Yearly plan – Lock in the savings (33%) and stay ahead all year.
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Click here to choose your plan now!