26 Dec, 2024

My Courses

4 mins read
  • 191123 Update Hong Kong Dividend Growth stocks

    191123 Update Hong Kong Dividend Growth stocks

    This week:   Dividend announcements of the past week! This week there are 45 companies that yield 5% or more! Important update for Premium Members. And aspiring Premium members Dividend announcements of the past week Not that many dividend announcements last week that matter to the companies that we follow. Yet this 1 company did…

  • 191115 Dogs of the Hang Seng

    191115 Dogs of the Hang Seng

    Twice a month we look at how the Dividend Growth Stocks (DGS) are performing compared to the Hang Seng Index (HSI), compared to the Hong Kong Blue Chips and the Dogs of the Hang Seng. The latter, like the Dogs of the Dow, are the 10 stocks of the Blue Chips, that yield the highest…

  • 191101 Dogs of the Hang Seng

    191101 Dogs of the Hang Seng

    Twice a month we look at how the Dividend Growth Stocks (DGS) are doing compared to the Hang Seng Index (HSI), compared to the Hong Kong Blue Chips and the Dogs of the Hang Seng. The latter, like the Dogs of the Dow, are the 10 stocks of the Blue Chips, that yield the highest…

  • Which Dividend Growth Stocks are also Blue Chip stocks

    [This content is for Champion – subscribers] As you probably read which stocks are Hong Kong Blue Chip stocks. You might wonder which of the stocks in the Dividend Growth Directory, are also on the Blue Chip list. The ones in blue are also in your Directory. Below you will find a downloadable list. Log…

  • Dividend sheets

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  • 191026 Update Hong Kong Dividend Growth stocks

    191026 Update Hong Kong Dividend Growth stocks

    This week: Dividend announcements of the past week! This week there are 45 companies that yield 5% or more! If you are looking only to high dividend. A lesson Updated (191026) the 25 highest yield dividend growth stock on the Hong Kong index For Premium Members: updated list (191026) of 122 Companies, that keep on…

  • 191015 Dogs of the Hang Seng

    191015 Dogs of the Hang Seng

      Twice a month we look at how the Dividend Growth Stocks (DGS) are doing compared to the Hang Seng Index (HSI), compared to the Hong Kong Blue Chips and the Dogs of the Hang Seng. The latter, like the Dogs of the Dow, are the 10 stocks of the Blue Chips, that yield the…

  • 191011 Update Hong Kong Dividend Growth stocks

    191011 Update Hong Kong Dividend Growth stocks

    In this update: Dividend announcements of the past weeks Readers question: Which one would you choose? News about The Dogs of the Hang Seng. What is the market (HSI) doing and how are our Dividend Growth Stocks (DGS) and the 10 DGS with the highest dividend (DG-Dogs) reacting. A friendly request Updated (191011) the 25…

  • 190928 Update Hong Kong Dividend Growth stocks

    190928 Update Hong Kong Dividend Growth stocks

    In this update: Dividend announcements of the past week! Welcome to the New challenger This week there are 47 companies that yield 5% or more! Updated (190928) the 25 highest yield dividend growth stock on the Hong Kong index For Premium Members: updated list (190928) of 122 Companies, that keep on raising their dividends How…

  • 190817 Update Hong Kong Dividend Growth stocks

    190817 Update Hong Kong Dividend Growth stocks

    In this update: Dividend announcements of the past week Aug13-Aug 17 News about The Dogs Join Premium Membership today and see all companies that keep on paying you.  Let’s go Dividend announcements of the past week This week was filled with great news, at least in the dividend-paying field. Hysan (0014.HK) HK$ 0.27 0% interim…

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